Partner Petek Günay Balatsas Serves as Panelist at the Third Turkish American Women in Leadership Forum

Nov 4, 2023 | Firm News

On November 4, Partner Petek Günay Balatsas served as a panelist at the Third Turkish American Women in Leadership Forum held in Morristown, New Jersey. The Forum’s mission is to connect leaders and participants in order to foster collaboration, facilitate learning, and empower Turkish-American women to become more involved in policy making, the workplace, and entrepreneurship.

Petek helped lead a discussion titled, “Women in Entrepreneurship. What makes women entrepreneurs unique, different, and successful?” that discussed topics such as the challenges facing Turkish American women entrepreneurs, why women should invest and be invested in, how women in business can turn their “kryptonite” into success, and how women leaders can guide those who come after.

Other panelists included Dr. Ayça Altıntığ (Associate Professor of Clinical Finance, University of Southern California) and Gizem Şalcıgil White (Founder and CEO, Turkish Coffee Lady, Inc.), with moderator Ciğdem Bostan (Partner, Global Mining Group, LLC).